Jan 01, 2006 14:45
Carms isn't home yet so I figured I'd make her LJ gulo again hahaha :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR I guess? Since everyone is saying it (I wanna be cool to you know! I Kidd!)
Well this year started out the same way every year started out but something happned mid-way that turned this year around, way around like 180 degrees into the right direction!
So here's to Expert Guides! I got so much from it but learned absolutely NOTHING
Life has been a lot different since then. I don't mind waking up anymore. Making libre has become a lot easier and more pleasant. What can I say? You choose to be happy but sometimes life gives you that extra push.
"...Anything for you" what line, here is to One Tree Hill.
Thanks to everyone else especially the Spraky's (Though none of you will read this because none of you really know how to read or write! Haha I mean because none of us have LJs...wonder why? *shrugs and laughs!*)
To all those who have been to my house and almost sent it bruning to the ground, thanks! We'll see if we can do the "innocent" thing again but I seriously doubt it (sorry ;p)
I can't really thank anyone else since this isn't my LJ and most of the people reading this aren't even my friends...hahaha
I'M JUST BORED so please go home na!
5 weeks
Curiously asking really mundane statements - Bent and Used