Round 76 Themes

Oct 01, 2016 12:49

Thank you for entering round #76.
Sign ups will remain open throughout the whole round.

PLEASE, try to icon your guy as in the person, NOT as in character form.
Use a character only when it's really necessary.

10 Themes, 5 Category, 5 Artist Choice
alone, background text, classy, dark + negative space, initials
old fashion + frame, one sided light, profile, second choice, smile

background text (snagged from character20n20)
*BACKGROUND TEXT: You must have text in the background of your cap/behind your character: see examples

dark + negative space (snagged from episodes20in20)
see examples

one sided light (snagged from character20n20)
*ONE SIDED LIGHT: Your icon must use a lot/visible amount of light on just one side of your icon - left, right, top or bottom. How drastic you want the lighting to be is up to you: see examples
Category: Photoshoot in Fall Colors
Use one editorial photoshoot and dye it in the fall colors.

Artist Choice: Any 5 icons of your choice


alonebackground textclassydark + neg. spaceinitials
old fashion + frameone sided lightprofilesecond choicesmile

CATEGORY - Photoshoot in Fall Colors




All entries must be tagged this way: round 76,!entries:round 76, celeb:guy's name, maker:your username
Include the round #76 - guy's name - username in the subject line to your entry.
Icons must be LJ standards. No animation is allowed.
Icons must be brand new for this challenge. No pre-made bases should be used.
Do not upload your icons to Fanpop.
Please save all of your icons in one format.
Don't lock your entry or post a link to a locked community until after voting is up, I will not join your community to get the icons.
Comment here if you have any questions.
All icons must be in by Thursday, October 20th by 11:59 PM PDT.

round 76, info