Oct 30, 2009 13:27
Yay for graduate school. I just got really excited again today.
I met with the head of the Japanese department today and talked to her about Hawaii University at Manoa.
I'm graduating with a BA in Music with a Minor in Asian Studies, so why not music you ask?
Meh, music is my passion it's something I enjoy doing so much.
I don't wanna make that my job. Elitism takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. I may have talent but I don't think i have the patience or interest to be perfect 100% of the time.
So my other interest is going to take the foreground for my career: Japanese and International Relations.
More than learning the language, I really just wanna do something with it. Like have a job IN Japanese not about Japanese (if that makes any sense).
Hawaii could be a good option because they have a good Japanese and Japanese studies program there. As well as a music program, so I potentially wouldn't have to stop playing deh bassoon !
They also have programs in music, music performance, and ethnomusicology (specifically japanese music) there as well so, doulbe major anyone?
Hawaii also has graduate assistantships available! yay possible free college.
So i got really excited about that. plus it's freaking hawaii, comon! lol.
But i'm really really interested in American University. I probably mentioned it before but they have a nice double degree program in the School of International Service with a university in Kyoto, Japan; Ritsumeikan University.
1 year is at Washington DC the other is in Japan, you receive a masters degree from each school when you graduate. You also get to pick the focus of your degree, and they have a couple of interesting ones like International Relations, International Media, and International Politics/Economy, political economy, whatever it is lol.
So /squee. I'm all ready to start applying. Got some good letters of recommendation on the way and need to start thinking about my awesome admission essays!
phew, i'm tired now. and hungry x-x