I just need to vent. I am getting frustrated right now. I have SO much stuff going on right now and nothing feels like it is being accomplished. As per my usual I am just going to go into list mode.
- School. So my summer course is supposed to start tomorrow and guess who isn't signed up still? Me! It took me an entire week to reach my advisor for him to take off the meet-with-him-hold, then I was informed that because I took off a semester that I had to reapply to the school again... then I was informed that I had to resend all of my transcripts to them... Needless to say I am really frustrated by this. I had to mail my request for transcripts (they wont send them without a signature and I have no fax) and marked it as urgent to be sent... but the University still hasn't received them yet so they haven't removed the hold on my account so I can register and they are giving me the runaround on who to contact and what my options are... the class starts TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and did I say... the class starts TOMORROW and I am still not signed up for it???????? ARGH!
- So I had applied for Healthy Kids, a program for Medicaid or whatever when I was pregnant. I was granted that. Cool. Yay. Etc. But then now that Noelle is here they told me to report her birth so that way they could get her set up (since I have no insurance to use for her and neither does Lee). I tried weekly ever since Noelle was born to contact my "case worker" and leave messages on her answering machine in which she NEVER had returned a call. So Lee calls them to get things settled and it sounded like things were finally taken care of but they STILL are not. They need to send us her card so that I can give the information to the hospital because the hospital needs it still for billing the care for Noelle, and the pediatrician since she's already had like 4 visits there... The stupid moron person won't so much as return a phone call. We've tried to get assistance from others in the building but they claim they cannot help us when our caseworker is "in the office." So today Lee called them and demanded to speak to a supervisor about it... and guess what? The supervisor isn't there either.
- The US Dept. of Education is now calling me because they have record that I should be starting to pay off my loans now although I should not because I am back to school and so I need to get a deferment but haven't been able to get registered to prove such yet. (Per the first item in the list).
- We have the date and time and all of that for the wedding set but nobody to perform it right now. We are kind of getting the runaround there.
- I have this dress that I absolutely wanted but it doesn't look like I can get it because of the sizing. I have tried to e-mail the company that makes it several times but they apparently do not know how to read an e-mail or click reply. This really bums me out because I've used them before and really liked them in the past. I also attempted to e-mail another dress company since they said they could design/make a dress and they also never got back to me.
- Lee has to use MY car because the one he has been using keeps dying all the time. So I am stuck inside of what feels like a cage because I can't just get in my car and go somewhere if I need to. God forbid something happen and it become urgent that I can leave! I hate not having my car. I hate even more that he has been having HORRIBLE luck this past year with cars and I don't want my car to go too.
- The weather has been totally horrible and rainy and stormy and gloomy which also puts me in a bad mood.
- The current place that we are renting was sold as you know by our landlord. So we were given 30 days to get the heck out of here. So we have found a new place. The 30 day notice date to be out by was May 17th. The landlord who we had a signed rental agreement with gave our security deposit that we had written out to her when we first moved in to the new people. The new people are now calling us to harrass us about rent. We still have not given them any because 1) we just flat out don't have it right now. We are having a hard enough time coming up with deposits for the new place right now so we can get in there. We also have bills that need to be cought up. With me not working it's making things super tight. 2) we have no signed rental agreement with the new people. We asked them if we could rent from them for a little bit long enough to get into a new place and they said NO. So we therefore are not paying them rent. We asked, they declined. Fine then. That's our opinion on that. We are just so hostile feeling towards them because they toured the house that we're living in while our stuff was in here and so they saw the nursery for Noelle all set up and ready to go for her, name on the wall and stickers and all that and they didn't care about evicting a brand new baby. It just makes me feel sad. :0( I get really upset about this because Noelle hasn't even had the chance to sleep in her room that I worked so hard to get ready for her. And all that work was for nothing.
- The new place was supposed to be ready for us on May 5... well as you can see it's past that and they said that they still aren't ready yet. I am frustrated because that will leave very little time for moving when Lee has to work all day and I have to make tons of trips across town with a baby at that in order to accomplish the move. All while going to school and taking care of Noelle, having dr apts, and surgery coming up, and planning stuff still, etc.
- We have been trying to contact the Department of Human Services also because we are trying to get assistance with the rental deposit from Salvation Army but they needed a letter saying that we were turned down from the Department of Human Services... So it's a domino thing going on... where we need the letter to get to the next step and then go from there... and we don't know the end result because the Salvation Army never said if they could actually help us or not they just said they could look into it but not until they got the letter.
- I am starting to feel depressed a little bit. I'm not going to lie. But in no way shape or form is it because of or directed at Noelle. It's directed at all of the crap going on right now. I do get frustrated with her from time to time but I remind myself that she is doing absolutely perfect at the job that she is supposed to have right now. Which is learning to hold her head up, roll, smile, talk, stand... and to grow big and strong- that's all that I can ask of her and all I'd want to ask of her. It gives me a reason to smile when I see her starting to accomplish something new.
- Speaking of weight a little bit. I was 232 before I got pregnant. By the last day of pregnancy I was 248. Right now I am 220. I am proud of that marginally. I am still really bothered that I am as big as I am but all I can do is cut out the foods I'm allergic to (that helped a lot because when I eat that stuff my body can't process it correctly... that and the foods I am allergic to are fattening.) and to try to be more active which will be easy with Noelle's ever increasing mobility and school and work starting up.
That was a lot to get off my chest. If you stuck through reading all that... then thank you!