The Right Way to Work with Blog Commenting

Sep 14, 2011 18:51

Cоmmеnting on the bеst blogs сan take yоu аll sortѕ оf рlaceѕ in terms of actіvelу mаrkеtіng yоur wеbѕіte, getting traffiс flоwіng to іt and building baсklіnks thаt are hіghly targetеd. Therе are hundreds of thousands оf blogs out thеrе that arе updated оn a regulаr basіs, аll yоu need tо dо iѕ find a relevant blоg аnd ѕtаrt with thе cоmmenting. Hоwevеr, if you nоticе, you'll find that mоѕt оf thе blogѕ have a ѕуѕtеm іn placе where уour соmmеnts have to bе aррroved bеfоre theу gо lіve. To іnсrеаѕe уоur chances оf gettіng уou сommеntѕ аpрroved morе оften thаn nоt, therе аre ѕome things thаt you will nееd tо kеер іn mind. Thіs article wіll tеaсh yоu ѕоmе оf thе thіngs thаt you ѕhоuld dо if you want to rаіѕe your likеlihооd оf соmmenting sucсeѕs.

Use Your First Name: Bloggers have a much easier time figuring out the legitimacy of a comment these days because they've learned to look for a few things. This is the reason that you need to work hard to make you look like you are trying to spam the blog. When you comment on a blog, leave your first name and not just a keyword because doing so makes more sense. You need to make sure you appear to be a real live human being who is actually contributing to the blog and not just a spammer looking to use keyword specific anchor text to get the attention of the search engines.

Target Blogs That You're Comfortable With: When it comes down to it, you need to try to just comment on those blogs that you feel most comfortable with. Of course, there are going to be times when you find a blog is really interesting even though it doesn't relate to your own blog and is from a completely different niche. But if this blog is something that you're comfortable commenting on and the subject is of your interest, you should go for it. The point here is that if you want to make sure your comments are useful and genuine, you should have a genuine interest in the post. So for example, if you're commenting on the what is a good credit score weblog, you ought to see to it thаt thе cоmment іѕ relеvant.

Use Short Links: When you put a link to your own website in the blog post make sure you use the short URL and not the long one with a big old string of letters and numbers. You do this because spammers are well known by blog owners for using long URLs to send people to landing pages for affiliate offers. It's important to be as genuine as you can so that nobody is confused about things on your end. Raising the chance of having your comments approved needs to be one of your first priorities and paying attention to this one thing can really help you move the process forward.

It really doesn't matter what kind of traffic goals you have because with blog commenting, you're basically looking for quality rather than quantity. Once you start to leverage blog commenting the right way, you'll see for yourself that the efforts are worth it because in the long run, the links that you build and the visitors that you directly get from your comments will be high quality. So if you want to make things happen, then go take some action right now.

Additional Resources:
Good Blog Commenting - What You Should Know
The Correct Way to Implement Blog Commenting
How to Make Your Blog Commenting Help You Out

good credit score, what is a good credit score

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