good bye to jersey

Sep 13, 2003 22:00

Jersey, every one loves Jersey!. The only people who truly love Jersey are the one’s that never lived here. There the one’s that come here to visit there friends and family. They like that fact that jersey lifestyle is different from the out of stators. I’ve always said, “Jersey sucks.” But this is my home and I’ve grown to care for it.
First thing is first. The number one thing in Jersey is Boredom. There is absolutely nothing to do here. When you read this you may think that I am joking. I kid you not. This is the most boring place on earth. When something new arises you get so excited that you have to do what ever it is immediately. When in the end, it turns out to be one giant disappointment.
The malls in New Jersey suck. There are small and have large food courts. The food courts consist of your average fast food chain restaurants. The reason this sucks is, that if you wanted a whopper you just walk down the block to the local burger king and pig out. I don’t know about you but when I go to the mall I expect to get a large variety of choices. Not just McDonalds and crappy Chinese restaurants that give me the shits.
I’ve also notices that the only people who call jersey, joy-zee (you know what I’m talking about. That annoying accent that people who think their funny say) have never even been to jersey.
An other thing about jersey that sucks are Tax’s. They suck so much here. I can’t stand how much they take out of my taxes. Just because some pore Mexican names Pablo who isn’t even a citizen of the US cant get a decent job because he doesn’t speak English doesn’t mean you should make me or my parents pay for him.
Here’s one more thing for me to complain about. SCHOOL, it sucks. The public schools in jersey are a disaster… I say fuck standardized testing.
With all this bitching, I will soon need to come to my conclusion I’m at the end. The end of my run with jersey. So, I say good-bye to jersey. Good-bye to my old friends. I whish everyone luck in the future…

My point: over the years I’ve grown to love jersey, with the help of my friends. With out you guys I wouldn’t be here. Thank you guys!

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