Jun 18, 2003 23:20
demonickmurry: did you read my Lj
demonickmurry: i'm 92% compatible with you
Neene33: i saw it
Neene33: )
demonickmurry: and 98% compatible with gavin
Neene33: * :-)
Neene33: lol
Neene33: i saw that too, that was funny
demonickmurry: i did'nt think that i would be compatible with any guys, i also took the LJ name quiz and it said i was a flaming homo
Neene33: LOL
demonickmurry: so i decided not to post it
Neene33: you should post it
Neene33: its funny
Neene33: lol
Neene33: mine says that im evil!
demonickmurry: naa, it's not even fare..it basis everything off of your LJ name
Neene33: lol thats the poit
Neene33: *point
Neene33: my friend did his aim name too
demonickmurry: mine said i was evil and i was a hitman or somthing like that
Neene33: im a serial killer
demonickmurry: yeah, thats what mine said
Neene33: lol
Neene33: lol the one for your aim name isnt bad
demonickmurry: no not to bad
demonickmurry: but i have the job for every one hating me
Neene33: lol true
demonickmurry: i feal so loved
Neene33: lol your real name makes you gay too
Neene33: but you're pretty cool otherwise
demonickmurry: lol
demonickmurry: i'm dumed with the gayness
demonickmurry: doomed*
demonickmurry: same with my last name
demonickmurry: and the same with my full name
Neene33: LOL
demonickmurry: times like these i hate my name
Neene33: haha
demonickmurry: it says taht your gay
Neene33: i know
demonickmurry: gavin's gay to..i guess thats why he scored so high on the test
Neene33: LOL
Neene33: i told him what you said
Neene33: he said you're a bitch
Neene33: lol
demonickmurry: lol, if i remeber correctly he's the bitch in the relationship
Neene33: LoL
demonickmurry: and he gave me my PS2 game back
Neene33: "id rather be the bitch than the butch, im the cute one"
Neene33: cool
demonickmurry: lol, poor child is lying to him self...tell the cild i'm threw give him to john mprsore..ohhh wait..he's to old to for john
demonickmurry: morrosroe*
Neene33: he says shuttup before he starts selling your video games
Neene33: who's the bitch now, bitch
demonickmurry: lol
demonickmurry: who's the bitch now, bitch..your words or his
Neene33: his
Neene33: lol
demonickmurry: ok, does'nt realy matter. if a jew wants to make money he's guna make money
demonickmurry: ohhh waht now be-otch
Neene33: "tell your mom that your sisters going to be home a little bit later than usual"
demonickmurry: why is she going to spend extra time trying to find his baby dick
demonickmurry: and brandon scores again
Neene33: "im trying to get the vision of your horribly deformed dick out of her mind"
Neene33: "and her mouth"
demonickmurry: ok points go back to gavin
Neene33: lol
Neene33: no comeback?
demonickmurry: i'm thinking i'm thinking
Neene33: lol
Neene33: "for some reason when gavin was having sex with her she kept screaming out brandon instead of gavin"
demonickmurry: and that just goes back to, you were'nt complaing about my horibly deformed dick in your ass "motha fucka"
Neene33: "so he had to smack her around a little bit"
Neene33: "oh thats what that tickle was"
Neene33: ?
demonickmurry: yeah, i lost
Neene33: LOL
demonickmurry: brandon shakes gavin's hand
Neene33: i"i love you brandon"
demonickmurry: who's saying that?
Neene33: he is
demonickmurry: lol
Neene33: you guys are funny
demonickmurry: sometimes
Neene33: lol
demonickmurry: i'm putting this hole convo in my LJ
demonickmurry: it's to funny to miss out on
Neene33: LOL