Jan 03, 2015 15:56
In accordance with Sod's Law, the washing machine decided to give up the ghost on December 29th, at around 5pm. Awesome. Right in the middle of a load of washing as well.
Admittedly, I was aware the it was going to need replacement sometime soon: it dealt with washable nappies for three years and had already been repaired once. But it would have been nice to replace on our own timescale, rather than wrangle with the remnants of the festive holidays while everything around us shuts down.
Fortunately, we have a circle of friends who were more than happy to allow us to borrow their washing machines while we wait for a replacement to be delivered (although the timescales for this are somewhat in the air, since John Lewis appeared to be reluctant to accept my credit card).
It's interesting how you don't realise your reliance on key household items until you're deprived of them...and tied down with work, which prevents you from getting to laundrettes during normal opening hours. Sheesh.