Fucking ingrates.

Nov 21, 2006 15:48

So, they closed my position at work. Such as life. I'm now gonna start doing outbounds. This wouldn't be so bad, but that paranoid part of me starts screaming and setting off all kinds of alarm bells in my head because the opening line of all outbound calls are "Hello, my name is 'First and last name', and..."

Now, most of you know, I'm a very protective of my privacy, at least when it comes to name, address, phone number, to a point my email addy, and things like that. I do not like people being able to track me down 'easily'. I do not like people being able to track me down with great ease, simply because they have a name or something.

Yes, it is outlandishly paranoid and unresonable. However, everyone is aloud their quirks. Compound the fact that there are about 52-57 people in the country that have my last name (That are still alive, anyways. There are 13 or so that I have met personaly), and... yes. Paranoia strikes.

Even in a bissness setting, I dislike giving my name to random strangers. Managment, people I can keep 'tabs' on, or some one I've met face to face, I can handle. Random people I'm calling over the phone on the other hand freaks me the hell out.

There is also a large likelyhood my shift will be changeing. This is very, very, very ungood in my mind. The worse case will be 12:30 to 9 pm. And that'd bascily mean 'Find a new job soon, because Everquest owns your soul, and this clashes with everything you'd ever want to do on a regular basis because everyone you know out here dosen't stay awake untill the wee hours of the morning anymore.'

-- afk, roomie2 needs a ride, more on that later --

-- End afk, I have ibc and more rant material --

So, I'm gonna try and get in the USA Inbound class thing, where I actualy go back to doing what I was doing before, but handle more 'general stuff'.

Problem there, again, I don't know what shift I'll be given, but thats a 'such as life, I'll work around it' thing, since I already don't know what shift I'm gonna be forced into starting next week, untill likely Tuesday, because the scheudling managment is off all week for the holiday.

The other thing I seriously dislike about having to do outbound calls is that it will offer me no job satisfaction. My previous job, I was at least feeling like I was helping people do stuff, or get things squared away. Now I'm calling, leaving messages on answering machines, butching people's names (Another thing that erks me, because my pronucation of names is as bad as my spelling. Plus, the 'mutual request of privacy' or golden rule thing), and bascily telling them 'Sorry, we don't carry this item, but we've let our buyers know that you want it'. In otherwords, 'we're doing nothing to help you, sorry.'

Onto our next topic: People are ingrates, and I'm a hypocrit.

Roomie2 asked me last night, over AIM, after I'd gone to bed if I could drive him to the bank to deposit his last paycheck from subway, beacuse his bike is dead because he dosen't know how to not get flat tires (But I can't fully blame him. The goathead problem out here is insane).

I get home, ask him if he's ready to go at 1:20 pm. 'No, paychecks aren't given out untill after 2'. Ok, yeah, I vaugly remember him mentioning this. So I sit down, watch an hour of TV, eat yougert, ask him if he's ready to go at 2 pm. 2:25 rolls around and he finaly is ready.

For one, I'm putting off my own plans and general goals for the day (Hi evercrack) because an hour isn't enough time to really do anything but run where I want to camp, buff up, and maybe kill 2-3 mobs before I'd need to go, because I didn't log out at the camp I want. Yeah, piddly crap, but the fucker dosen't pay me gas money.

We finaly leave, we go to subway to get his check, he comes back empty handed 'I forgot my uniform, so they won't pay me untill I return it.'

"Ok, no problem, but your walking back to get your check."


On the way back, a guy in a truck more or less blocks the private street area thing I live on, stops beside me, rolls down his window and bascily starts asking for money. *twitch*. Yeah, ok, its one thing to ask some one for some cash when your down on your luck. I've done it before.

I'm so white, I glow in the dark. He started the conversation off with 'Do you speak English?' That right there sorta... I don't know. It erked me. You seem to speak it fluently, without an accent, and I certently don't look like I'm of a hispanic orgin. I'm in the US, in a state that just labed English as its native tongue, and look like a gothic hippy. Of corse I speak english mother fucker.

He says 'Hey, you got any cash you can spair? I can fix that scratch on your car door cheep'. Again, twitch. I have an inch long scratch on my driver's side door that can be taken care of with some of Roomie1's girlfriend's clear nail polish, because its in the clearcoat.

'Sorry man, I'm broke, I've got my own problems. I gotta get my roof fixed, among other things. I'm not worried about the scratch.' The park handyman has offered to fix my roof, including parts and labor, for $75. I'm gonna take him up on it, when I can afford it. I simply can't yet.

"I'll fix the scratch and your roof for $60." Uhh..

"Sorry, I still gotta REGISTER my car on top of that, and since its 4 months late, that's gonna run me $600+." At this point, however, because I know what its like to be down on your luck, and he mentioned buying food for the kid that was crying in his car, I pulled the $4 outta my pocket and siad 'Here, 's all I've got. Don't worry about paying it back or anything,' because he'd offered to pay me back if I loaned him some cash (Keep in mind, I'd never seen this guy before in my life), and his reply?

"Come on man, I need at least $20." What the fucking hell? You have the adusity to ask a random stranger, IN A CAR AFTER YOU'VE PREVENTED THEM FROM GOING ABOUT THEIR BUSSNESS, and your driving a mother fucking $40k+ truck, and when they DO actualy, out of the goodness of their heart, offer to give you the cash they have on them, you tell them 'Its not enough to give me money for free, I need more then that.'

What the fucking hell is WRONG with people? He even pointed to Roomie2, who was still in the car, and said 'What about him?'

"HA! He owes me a lot of money as it is, sorry." Yeah, I wasn't about to let him speak up, but I over all tried to be nice about it. I even gave the guy the money I was gonna spend to buy myself a thanksgiving meal, since I decided against the clusterfuck that is the airport to visit family (Again, unregistered car is not good at the air port parking garage).

But.. what the fuck? You ask for money, your down on your luck, its one thing. Asking for $60, you go to friends and family. You don't go to a total stranger who you've never seen before in your life, and ask for that kind of money, with the promise of 'I'll pay you back'.

And then saying the offering your receving isn't enough.. god. I was tempted to say 'Ok, well, if its not enough, give it back so I can go buy dinner for myself.' I should have, but that would have been unkind.


I get home, put the trash out, roomie2 goes and gets his paycheck, trash truck gets trash can, I put now empty trash can back where it belongs, roomie2 gets home, I drive him to the bank, go to the Albertsons next door, see some 'premaid dinners' in the delli, pick up a ham and turkey to be kind to roomie2, as well as feed myself for thanksgiving since roomie1 is going to his folks house (He said he'd try to bring food. Yay roomie1!). Roomie2 catches me as I'm paying with the last of my giftcard I've been living offa for the last month or so, (Ok, so I've got like.. $3 left on it. maybe $4.) and asks what I got.

"Got us some thanksgiving foods." his reply was 'Oh, what kind?' 'Turky or ham, some 'taters, 'n stuffing.'. 'One out of three ain't bad, I guess.'

"...What do you mean one out of three aint bad? Are you telling me you won't eat the stuffing and 'taters? For fucks sake, Roomie2, you NEED to learn to not be so fucking picky when your poor or else your going to fucking starve to death out here."

I go out of my way to buy food for him because he isn't going anywhere either, and he decides that simply because he dosen't like the food, he'll only eat the ham. *Twitch*. I swear to god, I'm not driving him around anymore. I'm not gonna do nice things for him anymore. He can fucking walk everywhere from now on.

I don't mind driving some one around once every other week or so, and I can handle a semi-regular basis as long as they're paying me gas money for time and trubble and *Gasp* the gas it costs to drive my car around.

He's given me $7 for half of a $10 bag of cheese and over 150 miles of just general 'here and there' driving, PLUS 50 miles over 3 hours so he could get a job that lasted a day. I spent more on gas that day then he made, because it was all stop and go. I got out of third gear for about 3 miles, once.

He wants a car. Fuck that, you owe Roomie1 over $150 still, you owe me gas money, you owe me rent money, and you owe a credit card company money, and you have student loans to pay off starting the first of the year, plus your rent is going up because I can't afford to be paying twice what your paying me and I warned you about in the begining of October, just to keep a roof over your head. He dosen't have a licece, he couldn't afford the insurance (Hi highest insurance rates in the country), and.. just.. GAH!

On the bright side, I have an IBC. I bought 36 bottles of it when it was on sale at the local Safeway for $3 a six pack.

PS, none of this would be so bad if I could get an ocasional 'Thank you for dirving me around'.
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