May 28, 2005 03:26
Associated Press
In a shocking statement released today, Jeff Staib announced his intention to reenter the ‘dating’ world before his scheduled time of May 2006.
When contacted directly, Staib has this to say: ‘This has been a crazy couple of weeks for me. I’ve spent much time thinking, praying, and journaling, and I feel that this decision is justified and ok’.
He also spoke briefly on the details surrounding his initial decision to wait the year. ‘It came out of a time where I really thought I wanted to pursue a career as a musician. I liked this girl, but I also had what I thought were two great opportunities to enter the music industry. It was then that I was told that if I didn’t date for a year and a half that I’d get what I wanted. Well, I didn’t really want that. I never really wanted to be in One 5 oh!, I just thought it was a good opportunity. It really was just out of a selfish motive that I was given that answer.’
Staib is now official in pre-dating negotiations with Elizabeth Klauka. Fancy that.