об этом можно только ме...

Jun 29, 2012 19:03

прочитал у new_user_name про то, как какие-то чуваки в США собирают деньги на иммиграцию евреев из бывшего СССР. Пугают геноцидом. Пруфлинка в посте не было, - и я решил поискать в сети. Неужели правда?

О, да! Оцените:

Anti-Jewish slogans and graffiti are now common throughout the former Soviet states. Public billboards calling for Russia to be cleansed of the Jews are seen in many cities. People have been beaten in their own apartments and some have even been killed for just being a Jew. It is only a matter of time before the doors for immigration slam shut leaving these precious people's lives hanging in the balance. There is no time to waste. We must get them out now while we can!


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