In retrospect, I'd just like to say that August sucked.
It was already my least favorite month of the year, what with being generally hot and miserable to begin with, and for some reason, hardly any good shows. But I have to say what really clinches it, was spending an entire month being chewed out by pissed off customers because the hosting and email services the company I work for provides were down... still down... yep... still down... and no we don't have an ETA on when they'll be back up, and no, you can't speak to one of the admins about it.
I think the absolute worst call I took was from a poor tech guy practically in tears because he's going to lose his job now... all thanks to picking us to host his company's mail system.
And as somebody who knows just how shitty the tech job market is right now, that's not something I particularly wanted on my conscience.
Thank goodness after only one day, September is shaping up to be infinitely better.
First off all, like so many of you, I received an email this morning telling me that
The True Love Coffeehouse WILL be returning, and only a few blocks away from it's original location!!!! Hearing this wonderful news just about brought a tear to my eye. It'll still be a long while before it's up and operational, but I eagerly look forward to the day my own true love and I can walk through it's doors, order a pizza bagel, and sit down to watch our favorite bands play, just like we did so many times before. (only this time, we'll actually know the other person is there)
Secondly, I get to start off this month with five whole days to myself, followed by two days at work (which should suck less, now that most of our servers are working), and then a glorious weekend spent ignoring the politicians' compulsory 9-11 grandstanding by camping up at
Russian Gulch with my sweetie.
This will mean missing the Sacramento AIDS walk (not that I won't be making my usual contribution to the A&K team) as well as a couple of really good shows, but I plan on making up for it by seeing at least 4 of them this week.
For those of you who missed it, last night was the final Nashville Nights over at The Blue Lamp. The Cassidys were great, and if you wondering when you can see Richard March again, he'll be playing a set on the steps of the capitol following next week's afore-mentioned AIDS walk.
Tonight, everybody's favorite band, Didley Squat, will be playing Old Ironsides along with Diciembre Gris and The Terrible Secret.
Friday, it's LGS, Army of Trees and Bonsai Empire at Old I, or Giant Squid, Via Madrone, and Lost Love over at The Blue Lamp.
And on Saturday, Christian Kiefer will be playing the Fox and Goose along with the elusive Jeff Pitcher and not so elusive (but still entertaining) Dave Gleason's Wasted Days.
Oh, and this Labor Day weekend also means it's time for the Annual Chalk It Up Festival, so if you live in the midtown area, be sure to take a wander through Freemont Park and check out the local talent.