I've made about a million mental updates to this journal over the past few weeks, but haven't yet had the time to sit down and type any of it out.
Don't get me wrong.
Most of it has been the good kind of busy.
Pretty much every waking hour I haven't been stuck at work, has been spent smooching with Ariel, hanging out with
spooky_satan, or working on last minute
AAC stuff.
Local music fans may be pleased to know that The Proles' latest album is finally available in stores, Dungeons and Drag Queens CD release show will be an actual CD release show (with a brand new cover designed by yours truly at 11pm last night), and there will be brand spankin' new EP's by both Didley Squat (you can check out David's amazing cover art
here) and Mike Farrell's band Daisy Spot arriving some time in early October (we hope).
* * *
For those of you who remain curious as to my personal life...
Yep... Ariel and I are still just as disgustingly in love as the last time I posted.
Fortunately most of our sickly sweet ardor has been carefully shielded away behind closed doors (mainly because it's bloody hot outside), but I apologize in advance to any of you who may inadvertently find yourself witnessing one of our sappy displays of public affection. We'll try to keep it controlled as much as possible, but short of wearing his and hers full-body hazmat suits with lexan kiss-guards, full containment may be next to impossible.
Believe me. Only a month ago, I would have been right there heaving my guts out on the sidewalk along with you, but now I just find myself grinning like an idiot for no reason and staring whistfully off into space whenever she isn't by my side.
Ain't love grand.