second pie

Sep 28, 2011 06:24

[Now that the zombie incident is done and over with, Rorona's had time to think about more important things... like the fact that her student isn't here in Mayfield with her. Nevermind that that's a good thing, teaching elementary school science just isn't the same!]

Sooo... I've been thinking lately- Totori isn't here, which means I have no one to teach alchemy to! So it's really boring, and led me to think of something- I want to take on another apprentice, here in Mayfield! There's people here that want to learn alchemy, right? At least... [No she's certain there's someone somewhere in town that wants to learn, so she'll continue.]

Um! But I really do want to take on another apprentice, so I was thinking of seeing who was interested! Except... you have to be cute. [and a girl. and possibly like wearing cute hats, but she doesn't mention those requirements.]

Anyway, if you're interested, my name's Rorona, and I'm a master alchemist back home!

[That's... questionable.]
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