Well, this was a long time coming!
We've finally fiiinally caught up to Doctor Who's current season and chapter, and I've been wanting to chat about it here for a while! A while ago, a rather long while ago, my friend Mari and I decided we would start watching this series, because we were both curious about Matt Smith and this series everybody was talking about (in her case because she lived in Cali while they were showing it there, in my case cause I'm in the Sherlock tumblr fandom and--yeah). Becasue she wanted to watch some Tennant as well, we said we'd see how it was and perhaps watch a few episodes of the first seasons for background and important plot.
Back then we had this silly idea that it would be a hassle to go through all five seasons and found the prospect of watching a full season of a nearly balding guy with a leather jacket and big ears somewhat dull.
God were we wrong.
We kicked off with Episode 1 of the first season of New Who, where Christopher Eccleston plays the Doctor and Billie Piper his companion, Rose, and it was, more or less, love at first sight (for us). We got hooked up right from the start and watched the whole first season in two sittings or so (this is about 6 episodes at once each time XD). The ninth doctor is so far my fav. one of the three we got to see, and his only season one of my favs too, despite the LAME effects, crap costumes and the fact that its SO DAMN SHORT. But the writing is Brilliant and the episodes so fucking well done. Season 1 has some of the best episodes in the whole New Who series, such as he Empty Child (Moffat!!), The Doctor Dances (Moffat!!!!!), Dalek, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways (yes, that's about half of the season's episodes... it was that good.) Not to mention the first Jack Hartness appearance (FUCK BARROWMAN, YOU ARE ONE SEXY BAMF), the repenting Dalek and Eccleston's ADORABLE "Brilliant!" smile. Shit, I miss that man!
The ending of season 1 was all kinds of AMAZING, allthough that word is a little short of expressing my feelings for Nine's and Rose's parting and the whole Bad Wolf scheme ("I think you need a doctor"--that was fucking fantastic and it made me shed a tear or two...). I weep for Eccleston's early departure for he was really perfect for the role.
And then came David Tennant (of whom one of my friends is mad in love with). I like him. I think he's funny. No, hold on. I think his face is funny. I think he's adorable and brilliant, although in his most dramatic scenes he made me laugh rather than feel whatever else I was supposed to feel, the way he clenches and bares his teeth--he makes me laugh, okay? But his doctor was so damn enojyable to watch, and the variety of random nonsense he blurts thorughout the series made a very dire impression on my everyday choice of vocabulary (Allons-y, anybody? Geronimo? Muito bello?). I have to confess that Rose, even tho I sort of miss her in the show now, was never amongst my most well liked characters, mostly because... I don't know. I thought she always emphatized a bit too quickly with everybody and that sort of irked me a bit, so I wasn't too sad to see her go when she did at the very end of the second season, but as the series progressed and she made her totally bad ass comeback(s) I liked her better and better. I didn't quite believe her bond with Ten as I did hers with Nine (despite them being the same person), so it was sort of weird to see them being so close together (and I always felt sorry for Mickey the Idiot, cause he was adorable even if a little stupid).
Martha, season 3, seemed she would be a really bad ass, butt kicking girl, but she didn't cause that much of an impression, and when Donna took her place on Season 4, all was right with the world. Donna, so far, is my fav companion, cause that woman knew how to put the Doctor in his place, and him and Ten made an absolutely fantastic pair.
This arc, Seasons 2, 3 and 4, had some of the saddest episodes, specially the very last of Season 5 (specials), The End Of Time (what a SOB INDUCING plot, for goodness' sake!), and the introduction of RIVER SONG!!! Those episodes at the library were AMAAAAZINGGGGGGGG KJSFSAJDFHKLJASHDLF with the Vashta Nerada and the Library Worlds. Just Amazing.
OH! And I'm forgetting about the Master! His whole Arc was amazing, both the season finales from Season 3 and 4 (the full season and the special's finales). And the one with all the Daleks and half Time-Lord Donna too. Season 5 has also the--in my opinion--worst episode in the whole series: MIDNIGHT. Fuck if I'll ever watch it again, I wanted to kill everyone 10 minutes intio it. Likewise, Tennant's arcgot some pretty awesome episodes as well, such a Blink (what a mindfuckery of an episode, I nearly pissed my leggings watching it. Again: MOFFATT!!!!!!!!), The Lazarus Experiment (i don't care that the episode wasn't that good, IT HAS MARK GATISS IN IT, OKAY?????? YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID), The Girl in the Fireplace, et cetera (I can't remember the titles of the rest!). Also, all those reunions! All those bad ass MEGA REUNIONS AND CROSSOVERS! Sarah Jane, Torchwood, Alternate unvierses and the Doctor! All of them bundled in one single place at the same time! If that's not some quality team then I don't know what the hell that is!
(random information but half the episodes I named in this whole thing share the same damn writter. I'M SHAKING MY FIST AT YOU, MISTER.)
AAAAAAAAAAAAND we finally got to Matt Smith. After Tennant's goodbyes, which I think rendered everybody speechless becasue they must have been too busy crying their fucking hearts out, Matt Smith sinally made an appearance. I have to say I was waiting for the day we got to his arc very very eagerly but when we did finally started on him, I was too heart broken over Tennant to properly like him for the first few episodes. The thing with Eleven is... everything changes! The Doctor changes, the companion changes, the TARDIS changes, the writers change, hell, even the fucking screwdriver changes!! And allthough a LOT of people started watching Who because of Matt Smith, or simply on his Season, I felt a little bit like something was missing from the series, like it was the same series but not really, and I couldn't fully appreciate him until a few episodes later, when we started actually getting the hang of him.
Seasons 5 and 6 are much better in terms of production (and production investment), so it's easier to get to like it, methinks, and the writing is, of course, quite brilliant. Matt Smith is, in my opinion, a fenomenal actor (begrudgingly much better than Tennant and Eccleston, BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION AND I LOVE EVERYBODY AND ECCLESTON IS STILL MY FAVOURITE OKAY????), and his companions are utterly adorable (yea, okay, I might be referring more to Rory than Amy), so it wasn't very long before I liked it as much as the previous seasons. Rory's and Amy's romance is quite epic, and I frankly just love the way Matt Smith plays the Doctor. I think he's very likeable, not just because he is very very hot, but also because he's cute and odd and whimsical without ever losing that silly innocent expression on his face. And okay, this is the trully fangirling part: I FUCKING LOVE HIS FACE. Not in a sexual way at all XD I just fucking love his face.
Also, when River Song first appeared I wondered how on earth they'd manage the chemistry between her and the Doctor, cause they seem so unmatching, but surprisingly it works! I don't know how the hell they do it but it just works and I can't wait to see where they'll take us through the rest of season 6.
Man, those last episodes (up until Let's Kill Hitler) were so dkjfh;kajdshfhdskjfhas!! A rollercoaster of emotions, something not unlike that. I have great hopes for the future, allthough knowing how it's been already, I know there will be tears to be shed and nails to be bitten. We can always trust the Moff for that!
Laaast but not least, since this is already very long: things that I love!
-THE TARDIS. Love her to bits and pieces, both in her human and blue box form. "It's bigger on the inside!"
-DALEKS. Best. Villians. Ever. "EXTERMINATE!" How can you not like them?
-Episodes where they visit famous artists from the past (Agatha Christie and Van Gogh ♥♥ ugh gorgeous episodes, both of them)
-The way gay characters are just there and part of the cast and nobody gives a flying fuck about it.
-Half of Sherlock's cast and most probably half of Great Britain's population appears in it at some point or other.
-RORY. I mean, he's setting the boyfriend standard bar pretty high. I WANT ONE LIKE HIM TOO. Also, did he die his hair for the second part of Season 6? I swear I thought he used to be blond-ish................
-Wibbly-Wobly Timey-Wimey Stuff
Things I don't like:
-CYBERMEN. Please don't make them appear ever again.
-People falling in love with the Doctor (overrated plot device!)
-Waiting a week between episodes. HA!
I think that's it for now. HNNGGG I only know 2 people in my real life that have seen it, so it's very hard to properly fangirl about it. I NEED MORE FANDOM FRIENDS, ALRIGHT?
And that's it. Goodnight!