Jan 21, 2005 17:04
Hello again peoples, I've just realised that the only unit i haven't studied for yet is the one I need to study most for, HELP! but in the end I'll have revised enough to pass I'm sure so that will have to do, as Im nearing the end of revision for the other units (just one evening on each should be enough almost).
Apart from revising for exams I haven't really been doing much...except going to see Taking Back Sunday and My Chemical Romance in the Bristol Academy. It was a cool gig I guess, except that the MCR singer is a complete twat and kept trying to order people around and swearing constantly, and the one guitarist just shouted in the mic and threw it around the stage (until he was told not to by a sound guy) However TBS rocked the house so it turned out good in the end. Better still, when we left Victory Records (which is the label the bands are on) were giving away a load of free sampler cds and stuff so that was cool and I've found a new band I like, 'The Black Maria' go listen if you're into goth pop/emo type stuffness.
ttfn, love you all