well well well... my very first entry... now, what to say?!
uhhhmmm... for starters, I'm such a nice girl. Ever so polite, and oh so innocent
- it hurts my eyes just seeing two people holding hands!
*dodges lightning bolts*
ok, really now...
well, first of all, a friend of mine gave me this LJ complete with the name, icon, style, the whole shebang!
*grins* you know me too well! *cackles*
I guess you DO listen to my mad ramblings!
I LOVE everything! specially the "excited mood icon"
Dude, my mind went straight into the gutter when I saw her... what the hell is she doing anyway? That is just SO wrong in so many levels! *lol*
*hugs 'You-Know-Who'*
let it not be said that I don't appreciate you!
my only qualm was that I was only informed about this today
better late than never?
Yeah, I guess
now that THAT is over and done with...
*covers YKW's ears*
I'd like to tell anyone who'd listen that I personally think that YKW gave me this coz he's too tired of hearing me talk about all those sexual references on the Harry Potter books, making kinky interpretations, and making him read my own unedited version! with all the deleted sex scenes.
*breathe* But accepted that I probably won't stop. EVER!
So he decided that it's only fair that other people be subjected to the torture as well! *cackles* <
about me:
Well, I'm an insomiac
who just got out of jail.
for stabbing.
with a spork.
I guess it's a crime to use those now
Coz it's plastic
it's not eco-friendly after all
I have a Doctorate in Innuendos and I am putting it to good use *beams*
I'm the
author of 2 books:
1) "Sexual References in Children's Literature":
why those pervy writers want to get them while they're young
2) The Harry Potter Books:
THE Book to shove to your children so you wouldn't have to give them "The Talk" about the Birds and the Bees
that is not counting my contributions to the
Harry Potter "unedited version":
now with 2,547 deleted sex scenes!
which I did for charity<
out of the kindness of my heart
*looks around*
*notices that she managed to scare the few people who actually read this*
I guess I should shut up now...
*leaves quietly*