warning: hippy shit.

Mar 17, 2007 19:00

are you a leo? are you feeling fuckin crazy? maybe this is why.

Leo - Saturn is transiting in your sign. It is most trouble giving period for the native. You are entering the middle phase of sade-sati, which will remain up to September 2009. It is the worst period for you. As Saturn is entering your sun sign it will make you mentally tense& emotionally disturbed. Restlessness, anxiety and mental agony will prevail. Ailments aggravate if you deviate form health rules. You may suffer from diseases, which are difficult to diagnose. Increase in expenditure, obstacles in career and failures may dampen your spirit. . Environment at work place will not be harmonious. Business people have to maintain status-co in the face to reversals and fail to save themselves from bankruptcy. You will receive money from outstanding bills after protracted effort. Speculative transactions will benefit you in the long run.

For employed natives, there may be setbacks. They may be transferred to an unfavorable posting location or even face demotion. Your plans, attempts, and endeavors will be thwarted by unforeseen hurdles and difficulties. There will be dearth of harmony & peace among family members. . With Saturn on your sun sign, you will be called to make changes in just about every area of your life that needs fixin’. If you allow changes to happen, things go well. If you fight them, there will be more challenges to overcome. Let go and let be!

from another source:

Saturn in Leo also means that the twentysomethings born approximately between late-1977 and mid-1980 will be experiencing the infamous Saturn return sometime during these next couple years, if it hasn't started already. The message for you folks is clear, but not necessarily easy to integrate: Time to grow up! When Saturn returns to its natal position, we must accept certain responsibilities we've been able to deflect up until then. As certain vestiges of our previous immaturity must be left at the wayside, loss or contraction of some kind is almost inevitable. And refusing to face the music only makes it worse… if not now, then certainly later.

oh geez!
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