going on pretend dates.

Jan 26, 2007 10:10

getting dressed up is fun.

so is being a bouncer/monnies person

for this amazing event. raising cash for a palestinian lesbian organization..
SOFUQT performed..

and this awesome band team gina headlined..

hey folks!

im heading northward and wanted to say that after i brave the chilly North Carolina weather and get learned at ENCOR, I will be heading to CHI-town to work on puppets for CIW/SFA large scale(hopefully) circus themed protest in April. If you are free anytime and love make stilts and being crafty and creating visible signs of resistance to fuckin MCDONALDS come get with me. in chicago. mid march-mid april i think. depends on when the kids that are arleady there find a space. anyway, just puttin it out there.

much love to back home and other places im not.
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