Title: The Path to Success
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Rufus Scrimgeour
Rating: G
Other: Written for the September 3rd contest (Ambition, idly vain) in
30_hath. ...I honestly don't know. Mostly just trying to figure out what the hell is going on in his head for game-purposes. Hrum.
The Path to Success
To move forward, it was necessary to follow a certain path, to step only on select stones. This could prove tricky, even treacherous, at times, but the great instructor time related well its lessons. Rufus Scrimgeour had, through time, trial, and experience, learned to discern the best-certainly the most useful-path.
He had uncovered a set of rules to follow in seeking advancement, and he had immediately set out to follow them. Present a striking appearance to the public eye. Take action when action was warranted or urged; never step too far or too quickly, however. Adhere to the wishes of the general public, or appear to do so in order to keep them happy; for ordinary citizens, ignorance could well be called bliss. Have an explanation-some might say an excuse-ready at all times. Harbor a strong desire to succeed. Above all, be willing to accept the necessity of your own actions, however unpleasant the actions would be.
(Had he written those rules down once, many years before? Yes, he believed that he had. He had checked them off one by one as he had succeeded. The first he had reached was appearance; he had always managed to catch the general eye. The last had been utter acceptance of his actions, and even that had occurred long ago.)
One misplaced step could signal the end of a career, a fatal slip into the river of ignominy. He had seen others slip, and he had not reached out to reel them in. To aid another was to risk a fall. To continue on was to display one’s own strength, a flare of resilience. Thus was it best to move on. One by one the others had fallen, and always Rufus had stepped carefully onward, minding the rules, holding fast to each point. He had known his own capabilities, had seen in himself the makings of a leader. Each step he took further proved these beliefs, urging him ever onward.
Now, at last, he had seen a final barrier broken. Another had slipped; if the truth were to be told, had been slipping for quite some time. Rufus had watched eagerly as this final obstacle had taken one poor step after another, as the path had become slipperier and more perilous. At long last the man had fallen, and now Rufus found himself called to take the late obstacle’s place.
Rufus glanced in a mirror, gave no thought to any mistakes he might have made. Certainly, he felt no conscious regret. The actions of the past, the others he had passed by, now meant little to nothing. Smoothing back his hair absently, he smiled at himself, smiled as the newly instated Minister of Magic. Yes, this was what he had waited for. Forget the rest and focus on the now, on the future. Focus on the necessary, the ends and not the means. It was the only path to ultimate success.