Dec 06, 2006 23:27
to my dearest melissa. we have had our differences and we had alot of simalarties. we enjoyed soo much of each other it was like the times of our still sucked waiting around for u to come by when u took your road trip.i still kind of have a present for u when u come around. plus i owe u a dinner hahaha. poppie probally doesnt think to highly of me anymore but all i can really say no one is perfect..i pretty much realized that. but thats also what atteracts ppl.we kind of had our little arguements which looking back at it was kind of fun except for a few of them. by the way what do u want from santa claus this year hehehe.well we wil always have each other to talk too even if we arent seeing eye too eye. we will all have our dirty little secrets hehe..just wanted to add that. well u know where im at if u ever need me