putting off more homework

Nov 28, 2005 23:04

Time started: 10:28
Full Name: Shawn Paul Auth
Single or Taken: single -_-,

Sex: male
Birthday: deciembre 10, 1984
Sign: Sagittarius
Siblings: 1 brother
Eye color: green/gray
Height: 5' 10"
What are you?: nationalilty? Some irish, german, I shit load of other stuff
What are you wearing right now: jeans and my bjork.com shirt
Where do you live: pittsburgh
Righty or lefty: right
Can you make a dollar in change right now: times it by a hundred and I can still prolly do it.

Who are your closest friends: heather, adam, specs, emil, scott, urb, brian chief, nick chief
Do you have a BF or GF?: nope.
Did you send this to your crush?: it’s nto getting sent to anyone, but I’m sure I have a crush one atleast one person who might read it.
Best place to go for a date: who wants to go to an arcade and then subway?
Where is your fav place to shop: the exchange, first dibs!
Favorite kind of pants: used to be khakis, now its jeans
Color: black
Number: 00, 50
Boys Name: Sebastian
Girls Name: Ayumi
Animal: snow leopard or [sea]cow
Drink: I love sports drinks
Sport(s): hockey
Fast-FoodPlace: subway, eat fresh.
Month: december
Band: why don’t these ever say artist? Not all musicians are a band. Ayumi Hamasaki is my love of now.
Movie: battle royale, star wars3-5, amelie
Juice: apple
Finger: I guess my left pinky. The one with the fucked up nail from getting it broken
Breakfast: sausage omelet
Purfume/Colonge: curve
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath: none other than myseld
Smoked: nope, enough second hand smoke im sure though
Made yourself throw-up: nope, usually influenza does that for me
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no, but I laugh at people who do.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: I don’t think I’ve cried for love.
Broken a bone: just the left pinky as mentioned above
Played truth or dare: probably, just truth.
Been in a physical fight: with scott oh yea
Been in a police car: no
Been on a plane: yes
Come close to dying: I doubt it.
been in a hot tub: just a jet tub
swam in the ocean: yea, I hate da beach, mon.
Fallen asleep in school: lots of times
Ran away?: never ran away, I’ve hid to be away from people though.
Broken someone's heart: possibly maybe
Cried when someone died: oddly I don’t tear up at sad moments like these
Cried in school: nah.
Fell off your chair: more than my fair share
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: yes, more than if like to admit
Saved AIM conversations: yes
Saved e-mails: yes
Fallen for one of your best friends?: yeah, it didn’t end up so well. Maybe cause im stupid
Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
Used someone: I wouldnt say I used someone.
Been cheated on?: not that I can recall
What is...
Your good luck charm: no good luck charm
Stupidest thing you have ever done: falling out of a tree while haning upside-down
Last thing you said: it tasted more like beef stew
What is beside you: my bed, piles of cds, homework sheets, computer
Last thing you ate: beef vegetable soup
What kind of shampoo do you use?: prell or head & shoulders
Best thing that's happened to you this year: I’ve met some wonderful people and are getting closer to my friends.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: nothing bad ever really happens to me. I guess its because I don’t try for more than I know I can manage. I’m not much of a risk taker. When I do or say things I wouldn’t normally do I usually just get a negative answer. Please lord don’t let me end up like stewie in that family guy movie.

have you ever had...
Chicken pox: yup
Sore Throat: yes
Stitches: about 60 or so…and that’s all in my head.
Broken nose: nope, I think my nose is too small to be broken anyway
Believe in love at first sight: I haven’t experienced it so I don’t know if its true or not. Would be nice to have it happen though.
Like picnics: not really, cookouts are more fun.
Like school: I hate every minute of the shitty classes
What schools have you gone to: st. martens, elizibeth seton, greenway, Langley, RMU

would you..
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: that would hurt like hell.
Kill someone you didn't know for 1 billion dollars: probably not, I’m to logical about that.
If you were stuck on an island, what would you want with you: an ipod with an everlasting battery and my jams.
If you loved someone and you were keeping it from them and it would hurt them if they found out,would you tell them?: in what situation would I be in that it would hurt them anyway? Im an honest man, I usually come out and say when I like/love someone. Normally I get shot down anyway.
Who was the last person that called you: h-dubs. That was Friday night, not many people call me.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: probably a dude at a show goofing off.
who makes you laugh the most?: urban
who makes you smile?: heather, because she always greets with a hug. I enjoy hugs

Who is the last person
You yelled at: some drunken douchebag in my store.
Who broke your heart: my heart wasn’t together, meaning I haven’t figured it out, for it to be broken.
Is your loudest friend: urb can be pretty loud, chris is also loud.

Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: I don’t mind, no one reads em anyway.
Do you wear contacts or glases: glasses and yet im still blind
Do you like yourself: I think im awesome as hell, but not many are on the same page.
Do you get along with your family: eh, my parents aren’t bad, grandparents are cool too
Stolen anything over 50$: well, in a way, but not really. Junkies don’t need more money for drugs anyway!
Obsessive?: obsessive compulsive about some things. Right shoe first!
Compulsive?: yeah kinda answered this. I like to have things my way about stupid shit. I have routines that I must follow. If u ever ask me to do something and it takes me a second its because that something will interfere with what I had planned originally.
Anorexic?: have u seen me?

Final questions
How many people are you sending this to: I’m just gonan post it, maybe in lj and myspace.
What are you listening to right now?: Mozart
what did you do yesterday: it was Sunday, I didn’t do shiiiiit.
Hated someone in your family: I have lots of cousins I frown upon. Lame things happen
Got any awards: yes, some award from the daughers of the American revolution for something I did in middle school, buncha lame highschool awards n shit.
Where do you want to get married: in japan
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: nothing, im pretty much content with who I am, except for my lack of a super power.
Good driver: im not horrible, I don’t have my license though
Good dancer: I do a little dance from time to time.
Good Singer: get the mic away from me!
Have a lava lamp: yes, it works.
How many remote controls are in your house: probably more than I have fingers and toes. I have 4 in my room alone.
Are you double jointed: in my left thumb
What do you dream about: EVERYTHING!!! I am the world’s greatest daydreamer. I’ve dreamt about everything there is to dream about, almost.
Last time you showered: this morning
Last time you took a bath: really long ago
The last movie you saw at the theatres: thumbsucker
Chocolate or White Chocolate: milk-chocolate! Will someone please give me honmei-choco this coming year. If you know what this is ur probably far to nerdy, in which I will love u and embrace you.
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Mr. Pibb
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: I’ve seen some chicks mud wrestle in market square.
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Skiing or Boarding: neither, snow mobile!
summer or winter: winter
Silver or Gold: bronze
Diamond or pearl: emerald
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Sprite or 7up: sprite
orange juice or apple juice: apple!
Cats or dogs: dogs
Coffee or tea: greentea, cold! No hot beverages!
Phone or in person: in person
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest? fetus
indoor or outdoor? indoor please
end time? 11:03
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