And other Wacky Warning Labels Wish I could find the article again. Anywho, that one was on a tractor. Yeah, like I'm going to choose a tractor if I want to do myself in. One of my favorites from a prior year is this:
The label on a bottle of drain cleaner warns: “If you do not understand, or cannot read, all directions, cautions and warnings, do not use this product.”
Um, if they can't read it...
In other wacky news, here's a person who could be nominated for a Darwin Award Honorable Mention:
Man chugs liter of vodka in airport security line You know, it's one thing to guzzle a 20 ounce bottle of soda and merely end up annoying all the people on the plane with your burping. It's quite another to think you can handle a LITER of alcohol (and not even something weak like a schnapps - vodka is at least 40 proof for God's sake).