Jan 29, 2003 23:38
i feel as if people tied ropes around each of my wrists and each of my ankles... and then played a match of tug-a-war with my body as the rope. but not just any tug-a-war, the kind of game that both teams are so strong that neither will give in until the rope is about to snap and then finally both sides collapse. i ache all over. also, i am extremely tired but its as if the sand man gave me a visit but put too much sand in my eye so his magic either back fired and made me wide awake or the sand got clumped and wont allow my eye to shut. whatever im talking to hot timolly right now so at least i have something to do. just some FYI: i sent tim a half birthday card. it was a pickle (even shaped like one) i mean this pickle looked almost edible. i was very cool. in the inside it read: "bet you didnt expect to get a pickle for your half birthday" clever, eh? its actually kind of stupid but i couldnt resist. i mean come on! how often do you see a greeting card in the shape of a pickle! i really need to quit this whole "stay up late and talk to the auburn cueirdos" thing... im not getting enough sleep... QUESTION: "do bears go oui oui in the woods?" anyone with a justified answer please let me know if you can make sense of this question. my french teacher, mr. "i had a combover until my students took me to the barber to cut it off but i still pretend i have a combover with the few scraps of duck fluff left" herve le guilloux, has been asking my class this bizarre question for FOUR YEARS now and we still dont understand the point of it. it makes plenty of sense, and yet no sense at all. kind of reminds me of this dream i once had that some strange guy was rubbing his head all over some girl's belly until his nose got caught in the girl's belly button so snot oozed out everywhere and then these giant ants came along and swam in the pool of boogers.... yes, the foolish rubbish that occupies my mind. i cant stop thinking about it. oh shit man, i just remembered i have to wake up for bible study tomorrow morning at 5:30. and im carless so my mom has to drive me everywhere since its STILL IN THE SHOP (pisses me off) im raising money for a plane ticket to atlanta to visit auburn in march. if anyone wants to make any donations you are more than welcome.... im going to sleep now goodnight sleep tight! and watch out for that sand man dude i hear he's vicious in the bed.