Book Survey

May 03, 2008 09:32

THis looked kind of fun, so I did it:

1. Who are your favorite Five Authors?

John Irving, Lawrence Block, Pat Conroy, Robert McCammon, John Jakes

2 What are your favorite works by them?

Irving -A Prayer for Owen Meaney
Block - A Ticket to the Boneyard
Conroy - Beach Music
McCammon- Boys' Life
Jakes - The Bastard

3 What book(s) do you NOT own that you wish you did?

Michael Connelly - Echo park
John Irving - A Son of the Circus (because I can't freakin' find it!)

4 Do you enjoy read-alongs and sharing with friends?
I like recommending books to my friends, and vice-versa. Read-alongs, not so much because I like to read at my own pace.

5 How much do you read? (no shame, be truthful)
fast (2 novels a month)
Faster than fast. More like lightspeed. Usually 2-3 books a week.

6 What do you eat or drink while you read?

Tea is good.

7 Where do you read? (bathroom included, don't lie)

Couch, bed, train, park, coffee shop

8 What do you use as a bookmark?

A dollar bill. lol

9 Do you read more than one book at a time? How many?

I usually read more than one at a time, simply because I read a lot. I have a book on my desk at work, and about three hundred million at home.

10 List your favorite genres, from most liked to least liked.

Literary, mystery, western, fantasy, sci-fi

11 What is the longest story you have read? I think it would have to be the Piers Anthony "Incarnations of Immortality" series.

12 Deserted Island; Choose!
Fiction Or Non-Fiction -- Fiction
Fantasy Or Sci-Fi -- Fantasy
Western Or Romance -- Western
History Or Biography -- History
Other (explain) -- Porn!!! (kidding)

13 Book character that most resembles your inner self.

Either Cory from McCammon's 'Boys' Life' or Zane from Piers Anthony's 'On a Pale Horse'

14 A book you would suggest as a "must read" to any friend.

Robert McCammon's 'Boys' Life'

15 Have you ever tried to write a book? Would you like to?

Yes, all the time. I write almost daily. Then throw it all away.

16 Are you published?
Some minor poetry
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