First thing's first...
Sunday night, I temporarily locked hands with Morrissey.
His clammy hands touched my very own, and it was amazing.
That is all about that *sigh*..
..okay. So the boy caved and came to town for a visit this past weekend. We had a lot of things we needed to get out, and after some crying, and cursing, and yelling, and napkin throwing (just like the movies!)..
we got in on the smiling, and whispers, and good sighs, yess.
I love him an awful lot, and he loves me just as much.
I'll see him this weekend, good.
also this weekend I have this photo shoot that I'm being left to plan out, mostly. As far as the location/theme and clothing goes, it's all me.
It's for makeup, so that is what the photos will be looked at for, and the rest...
I thought since I don't feel too comfortable in front of the camera, make it easy on me, and keep it fun.
-Records. Vinyl everywhere. Me cross legged on floor (maybe some 40oz, ashtray with burning cig, and etc. clutter round me) wearing old very large headphones... maybe looking down at a Smiths vinyl in some?
Any ideas? Never posed for anything like this, nor planned a shoot out... help would be lovely. xo.