Dec 26, 2004 19:27
This Christmas was simply so eventful that I need to describe it to you in detail.
Christmas eve:
Dec. 21st is the shortest day of the year, but Christmas eve sure feels like the longest. The whole day reeks like turkey...except for this year because our oven broke halfway through cooking the turkey. After feasting on veggies, buns, and what little cooked turkey there was, me and the sister and her fiancée (yes, she's engaged! Yay!) went to visit with my dad's side of the family. Of course we got home later than mother wanted and she almost locked us out. My sister almost cried.
Christmas day: This is where it gets complicated.
The plan for the day is to open presents and stuff here, drive up to Duncan to visit with the sister's boyfriend's parents and meet up with Mike who is in Lake Cowichan 15 minutes away. But I call Mike, and we wait for a long time, but he never shows up. My mom forces us to leave without him because people are waiting for us in Black Creek for a Christmas Feast. I cried in disappointment and worry, but other then that the rest of the night was ok.
This is what happens to Mike.
He got to Mark's parents' house 30 minutes after we leave. He drives back to Victoria, and then busses up to Courtenay without a clue where we are or a phone number. So he's in Courtenay, alone. He finds a house party and the nice strangers let him crash there. He walks around Courtenay all day, and is currently on a bus on his way home.
I know I complain about him sometimes, but after hunting me up and down the island alone on christmas, I am forever in his debt.