As i havent posted in a while i thought i should write whats been happening then i shall go do LJ too.. hee hee.. If you dont want to read loads about andy and stuff go to after the _______ lol..
First of all i am no longer with alex.. i am now with andy and have been for over 2 months and we're sooo happy and stuff as you could probably tell from my last blog..
met andy about a year ago in big blue when he was with butler then met him again a few days later on a thursay after they had college.. Then i didnt see him for about a year apart from driving past him sometimes and stuff but he changed his number :(
THEN i went to a party with a guy from college and andy was there whith his girlfriend who used to be in my class in college and she is a 2 faced bitch and stuff.. ANYHU.. so i was sat at the party talking to him and stuff then walked back to vikkis with him after and he was kool..
I ended up still wearing his hoodie when he left so i was happy ^.^
When i was at candies he called me and we were on the phone for hours and we said we'd meet up so i could give him his hoodie..
we met up but he didnt take his hoodie.. lol.. then everything got better from there.. we both realised we didnt like the people we were with and left them.. then we went out a few times to first floor and stuff which was awesome.. then i messed everything up (well i thought i had) by kissing OJ.. Anyway, nothing was said about it so i didnt say anything..
A few days later Andy asked me out and i was like
hee hee..
He was walking me home and i really wanted to tell him how much i loved him because i did, even though it was really soon, but i was too scared of what he might say.. then the next day we were messing around and i was picking on him then i said aww i love you really and he said i love you too.. ^.^ even though i didnt mean to say it it just worked.. i was soooo happy.. ever since we've been so amazing together (aside 1 weekend but thats all talked about now).
I love you so much andy and i will always be here for you no matter what.. ^.^
Anyhu.. if you've read all that you may want to know what else has been happening.. lol.. well not much really.. cant be bothered to write loads so here goes (in no real order):
1. Rachels pregnant (my sister)
2. Debbies pregnant (another sister)
3. Emmas pregnant (brothers girlfriend)
4. Finished college, exit interviews are on Tuesday
5. met OJ again after years and years
6. went to Jessops drama performance
7. watched charlottes web at the cinema
8. watched james bond thingy at the cinema with paulie
9. watched hot fuzz at the cinema
10. watched chicken little at the cinema
11. watched premonition at the cinema
12. watched Number 23 at the cinema
13. watched Pirates of the Caribbean at the cinema
14. watched bridge to terebithia at the cinema
15. watched other stuff at the cinema but cant remember what
16. watched shreck 3 twice at andys mums
17. started talking to Jobby again
18. went to see my brother (stu-pot-noodle)
19. went to see my other brother Kev
20. Met stuart in london
21. went to a mexican night at desford with andy (see pictures, they're well funny)
22. got my nipple pierced
23. got my rook pierced
24. got my tragus pierced
25. been to loads of adams gigs
26. adams played with my guitar at his gig
27. met a guy called jack who randomly works at my college but i didnt know that till after i met him
28. looking for a job
29. listen to different music
30. Saw rob in town