Beau Dayshus' Debut!

May 28, 2008 14:40

So it is slightly delayed, but here is the performance post!  I forgot to ask my friends to take pictures up close, but I did manage to get a few shots from afar, and a closer one from one of the other performer's friends.  I got to Lorraine's house at 7:30 and from then until 11:00 pm, we spent getting ready and running through a rehearsal.  I helped Cate, Emily and Harmony with their makeup, and did my own.  I always find the getting ready for special events to be more fun than the event itself, but, even though getting ready was glamorous and fun, that wasn't the case this time.  After I rehearsed, Andrea said to me "wow, you have hips that could shake the earth to its very core" and I beamed.  What a beautiful compliment.  I was stoked after that.

We took a cab to Concord Cafe, and as soon as I stepped out onto the road, and saw the bar, my heart lept into my throat and I started freaking out.  Lorraine reminded me that she knew I would do great, and the worst that could happen was they audience would cheer.  If you messed up, or didn't, they would cheer nonetheless.  I met my friends outside the bar, and as soon as we got in I hightailed it to the bar for a jitters-reducing drink.  All the performers were ushered outside in the back to wait and get ready.  Lorraine took care of talking to the DJ, and getting us a stage hand, and worked out the other details while the rest of us talked about how nervous we all were and drank.  It was decided that I would be performing second, after Coco LaCreme's 80's workout inspired dance.  She had so much energy, and vivacity she was the perfect appetizer to set the mood for the audience.

As soon as I stepped onto the stage, I felt nervous, but as I kept on dancing, those nerves were replaced with joy and I fed off the energy of the crowd.  I have performed in front of audiences before in plays, or doing public speaking, but never before have I done it without speaking.  Normally I find it difficult to get past the nervousness because you can hear it in your own shaky voice, and that feedback works to remind you that you're nervous.  But with dance,  you just move, and let the music literally take you.  As soon as I stepped off the stage, I wanted to jump back on and do it again.  I don't really remember much of the performance,  if I did everything I planned to do or if I screwed up.  I do remember at the end, while I was twirling my tassles, literally thinking this is GLORIOUS!  What an incredible rush to be the centre of attention in a room full of such accepting, positive people.  It was an honour and a privelege to perform for them that night.  I was so high afterward, and that lasted the entire night.  Even when I got home, I couldn't sleep.  I've never felt a natural high that long lasting before.  I know I said that it would be my debut and retirement, but I just may have another performance in me yet!

Cheers to doing the things that scare the hell out of you!

For the sake of privacy, I won't include pictures of any of the other performers except for Coco LaCreme.  As a professional burlesque performer, I don't think she'll mind!

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