Aug 29, 2007 15:34
So today I jumped in a river...
I sat down with the head honcho lady here at Community Connections, the government funded care provider I do IT work for and laid out for her The Future According to Jonny (tm). A date has been set. Plans have been made. Bosses were made a bit weepy (wasn't sure how to take that one). Program directors were informed and so the trickle down has been set.
I will be in Minnesota no later than October 7th.
Any sooner than that really depends on how quickly my replacement can be hired and trained. It's been a long strange trip here, even after having only started this gig last September. I can't say I won't miss it (behold, English majors, as I zap you with my double-negative ray! Kneel before Zod!), but my future is not here. Not in this little town that is in one of the most beautiful places in the world, but is so frightfully insular and closed off from the world only a recluse could truely be at home here. And I am not all the recluse I once thought I was. It's one of those bone-deep aches you never realized you had until you had a chance to bask in the sun a spell - I've been wanting to move from here for years.
As much as my good friends Jake and Thane have planned and schemed to buy property here and build cabins there, realistically it's not going to be soon enough for me. Not since I've made the aquaintance of a certain young lady I'm willing to jump in this river for.
Now comes all the logistical spider-crawling-busy-work as I cast out my threads. My truck needs a tune-up. Badly. And a canopy. I'm going to be driving it from Bellingham, WA, to Minneapolis, MN, so it better be up for it. I've already plotted my route, though that route may see some modification as the best friend I had while living in Utah a few years back (when I was trying to be Mormon) has reestablished contact. He's not Mormon anymore either. Knowing him, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Once I have a more firm date on when I'll be rolling out tickets need to be aquired and plan for lodgings made. Which should be pretty simple. I can and enjoy sleeping in my truck, but I imagine it'll be nice to have a bed to lay on a few steps of the way. And I'll need it, because I'll be driving myself long enough that all this pent up nervous energy from making the move won't keep me awake all night. That and beer will help. Maybe some mead. I'll have to see how much I can appropriate from Thane.
And as far as Thane goes the bloody wanker still has gigs of viking pics and videos of us he's never gotten recorded >.< I'll relight that fire forthwith. He'll also likely be one of the best contacts for my replacement here at CC, as he works for the Borough (I live in the KGB! The Ketchikan Gateway Borough!) He has is his fingers in a lot of pies so should have a good idea of someone up to the task.
For my soon to be fellow Minnesotans, this is going to be some adventure! I'm looking forward to seeing you fine flat-landed folk soon. You'll have to bear with me if, as I walk around, I keep looking up and acting like I might fall into the sky. Us mountain/island folk aren't used to rolling plains, as it were. Still, I'll have the great lakes just a bit off so I won't lack for water. Which is vital to me in ways I can't properly explain. I've lived by the sea most of my life and it always holds a special reverence for me. The great lakes will help me keep from feeling too dry.