Dec 30, 2006 20:25
Wow, have you ever actually thought about how much life can change in a day, muchless a week, muchless a year.
Everything fell apart in a most hanus and visious way for me in the past year, but to be forward, it was everything that i needed i just didnt want it all to go down like that..
Brandon and i havnt talked in almost a month now, and i havnt been more alive in years, theres nomore boring weekend nights filled with nothing to do, noone to meet or nowhere to go, there is also nothing holding me back or holding me down ( brandon)... its strange how you cant see things right infront of your face sometimes, i see it as a blessing i just hope that i can forgive myself for cursing gods name , i never kne how spoiled i was.
Me and my friend jacob have made plans to help eachother throu classes this coming year.. were going into architecture and design, Something i allways knew that i wanted to do, just never had the confidence in myself,,,,,, i wonder why? (that was sarcasm).
i just hope that oneday when im suscessfull and happy, and stable that im not uncouth enough to rub it in peoples faces.. that would be wrong, but one thing is for certain, the path i take is a path lit with blessing..
and im stoked as hell