Jul 15, 2008 08:39
I think I've been having some "Alfred Hitchcock" moments lately... I've have two incidents involving pigeons on the freeway lately. First, a couple of weeks ago, one landed right in front of me on I-84 right where it goes underneth I-205 in East Portland and I didn't have anytime to slow down or move out of the way (too much traffic around) and while it tried to take off again, it was too late. I ended up driving right over it and....with two other cars right behind me I knew that this would not end good for the poor bird. I didn't look back...
Then, yesterday, just east of where I had the first encounter, another pigeon flew across the freeway right in front of me so low that it struck my wind shield, but I think this one made it out okay because I saw something fly away in my rear-view mirror. But, it did leave a bit of a smudge on the glass.
I guess these birds must be nesting around the freeway, under the bridges or whereever. I hope this doesn't continue to happen.