Okay, the three day weekend thing is going to get disorienting fast. I woke up Sunday around 9:30 and freaked out because I had to get to class by 10:25. Until I remembered it was Sunday and not Monday. That doesn't mean I don't like the three day weekend, it's just mind fuzzy-ing sometimes. Still awesome.
What did I do with my three day weekend? Well, I spent a lot of time on my computer, watching a lot of TV. I tinkered with graphics and stumbled over a journal header I made a long time ago and gave up on. I couldn't think of text for it. I still can't think of text for it. So, take a look my friends and suggest something if you've got an idea.
Yeah, I think that's really pretty but can't decide text and I don't really like it plain. I was going to make some more Hope/Atticus stuff because goodness they're cute but I ended up with a Hope only header. This one, I didn't have much trouble with. The only thing was I couldn't decide if I liked it black and white better or with a color splash. Which one do you think is better?
Black and white.
Yes, I like to tinker with my photoshop. I think I'm still going to try and make a Hope/Atti thing because it's on my mind. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's just muse writing and RP stuff. Don't worry about my ramblings.
Oh! First day of my internship tomorrow. Wish me luck!