(no subject)

Dec 19, 2010 18:55

Sometimes I have doubts. Okay, a lot of the time, I doubt things. But one thing that I don't regret or the one decision in my life that I do not doubt is ending things with Thomas.

I think that I have a higher sex drive than like...everyone or something, and it's starting to piss me off. BAH.

On one hand, I am excited for this new job, because it'll be a lot more money, and now I'm guaranteed full time, but at the same time... merh. I'm going to miss my boss and my store.

Planned parenthood Lawrence no longer exists. This is extremely frustrating. There are lots of things that I have issues with, and the biggest one I can think of right now is the whole HAVING to get an annual exam before being able to get a perscription for birth control. In Nebraska, I know, two years ago, PP stopped doing completely need based stuff. It was still sort of a sliding scale but you HAVE to pay. It's also very unfortunate that women have to pay to get some cold slimy hard VERY uncomfortable thing clamped onto their cervix. NOT FAIR.

My parents always had the belief that people really don't need perscriptions for mental sort of issues. Or that whatever was wrong with me wasn't really, and it was "just being a teenager". Pretty sure I have SAD or mild manic depressive behavior, but also 95% positive that I have ADD. Because adderoll really helps. But for adderoll perscription? Even more fucking ridiculous than getting birth control, seeing that they make you goddamned called in or go in every month and pay a fee for that and then a fee for the meds?

Blah, can't I just have my methamphetamine salts and tri-sprintec? I obviously am hella broke, seeing as it's all the most generic of generics out there that I get. Give me them without making me jump through a million hoops, please?
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