Oct 24, 2005 20:23
How hard would it be to create a unified format and language that translates (both ways) between any pair of formats / media?
Could we extend RSS for such a purpose?
The advantage is that current filtering is format-based: i.e. all your email is in one place, all your voice mail in another, whereas it would be much better for things to be subject-based or project-based (i.e. bills to pay in one screen, university-related research in another screen, etc) in a goal-subgoal tree.
An analogous problem is that windows in Windows tend to be grouped by application. This is (poorly) solved in Unix, by using several Desktops.
LJ notification should work in terms of a blog-wide RSS: for any new comment in my blog, make an RSS entry, and set up an RSS->email agent to notify when comments were made. Also, for any reply directed to me, or any new comments in a thread that I choose to subscribe should become items in the RSS. Likewise, a smart (possibly collaborative) filter could deliver interesting blog entries.
I'd like to make a bot to handle all my LJ notification for me. This seems quite feasible... if perhaps inefficient without LJ's collaboration.
Btw, what about these ideas?
phone call
* leave a voice mail as an MP3 (I know of no VoIP service that supports this)
* email -> voice mail (voice synthesizer)