Political Beliefs Survey, via
marknau Interestingly, this quiz puts me on the "left". I think that's because there weren't many questions about markets, subsidies, etc. Note that "left/right" and "pragmatism" are just names to the dimensions found by principal component analysis.
Then again, I'm not really libertarian, I'm just pragmatic. This explains my high "pragmatism" score.
My results Axis Position
1 left/right -2.9009 (-0.1746)
2 pragmatism +6.9402 (+0.4177)
While the means must be 0, I have no idea what the standard deviation is.
And, by the way, his results suggest that the "Right/Left" dimension accounts for most of the variance, while "Pragmatism". This goes against what one might suppose by taking the "World's Smallest Political Quiz".
here's my results on his 2005 quiz:
I'm kinda average on one axis, but quite an extremist on another (99.7%). But I'm generally anti-war, so I don't know where that comes from.