So half way through my lesson, after
Bodie struggled to get a lead change to the right in the far end of the arena, I experience a near death moment. Bodie sorta hops/bucks trying to get his change and then just LEAPS in the air and bucks and bolts. We made it across the long diagonal to the door of the arena in three bucks. Because we went RIGHT into the corner, I managed to sit up as his head came up and we then proceeded to canter around and back over our jump. I look around and everyone is just staring at me like O_o wtf I broke the tension by saying "So uh...I stayed on?" cuz what else do you say when your horse does that?!? I didn't even lose a stirrup but we had A LOT of air time.
This is mine and Becky's conversation in regards to last night:
Becky: I know, it'll be hard to take, but I think it's necessary and she is used to hard to ride horses (in regards to Jose, a trainer at our barn who is not my favorite person personally, riding Bodie)
Me: Yes I agree. And I think he needs to have a come to Jesus moment lol
Becky: Yes. And it's much better that she's on him :)
Me: Well if I was on him I think it would be me having the come to Jesus moment lol
Becky: Kinda like last night....
I was having it for u
Me: I stayed on!!!
Haha I was just like "why am I still on this horse?!"
Becky: U most certainly did. I still don't know how
I was too stunned to respond
In other words....epic night. :)
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