Apr 25, 2005 00:34
Remember when I said I was doing a research project about gender? Well this is the week it's all happening. Here's the thing - I've narrowed down my topic to "Contemporary Gender Identifications." I know y'all got somethin' to say on this, so get to it!! I already have a couple of people in mind, so even if no one responds to this (like last time *COUGH*) I'll have people I'm gonna bother about it. Who knows! It might even be you!!
I wanna organize a group interview (with all of us in a circle; me asking a bunch of questions and everyone answering), or if certain individuals would prefer, a one-on-one type dealy. It's all gonna be done with an AUDIO tape recorder, so you don't really have to worry about privacy. You can give a pseudonym if you want.
I want to do this next Tuesday, May 3, at 8:30pm. So for you YPC'ers, that's after chorus. And for people who don't want to be in the group interview, we can definitely work out a time, because I have no life/previous engagements. That also means that the interview can be done over the phone. We'll work it out.
Happy Spriiiiing (springspringspring) Break!!!