May 11, 2003 21:39
It's Mother's Day here. I gave her slippers, and I went with them to see my grandma. It could be her last Mother's Day. I never know what to say on these days. I barely know what to say on other days.
At work, I have almost accumulated one week's annual leave, and am considering taking it sooner rather than later. A performance review is coming up as well. I can hear it now: "Your attitude is quite poor Ms Swine. What do you think we could do to change that?" Oh, I don't know. Stop being a patronising cunt? Pay me more for the shitty hours I work? Actually, sack me and just let me do what I really enjoy doing. There's an idea.
He really scared me the other night when he told me about the performance review. He talked about setting my goals for the end of the year! My goal for the end of the year is to get out of that job. So I have a clear goal. I just need a path. Find that path.
What else is there to say? Absence speaks for itself. Slow, dull and lifeless.