Oct 17, 2024 11:05
So, a while ago I discovered that putting a bird feeder on the little patio outside my door
attracts a whirlwind of chirping and playful little sparrows and finches,
which is something I enjoy listening to and seeing as I sit at my desk.
Just like the hummingbird feeders I have been deploying in the same spot for years
and attracting many colorful little beauties,
I tend to the feeders and make sure they're topped-off when necessary.
In the hummigbird feeder I put a nectar made from sugar and water.
In the finch feeder I put a commercial birdseed mixture I buy at the store.
All is good in the 'hood.
The problem begins when the eager birds eat the seed mixture and drop significant amounts of it on the floor,
some of which they also eat but the rest is left to attract mice and rats.
Of course I sweep up what I can, but the hungry birds always manage to drop more food for the rats
than I can keep up with.
Now, ordinarily, I have respect for all forms of life
(yes, I still sometimes eat animals, but that's another discussion)
and celebrate, in my own way, each being's existence.
But, rats are vermin, especially when they prolifically reproduce and take over an area;
they can be annoying, and possibly dangerous, pests.
So, I have 2 traps: one that catches them alive so I can relocate them,
and one that electrically zaps them dead.
Last night the electric trap got its first victim.