Ripped straight from Annie's journal:

Jan 10, 2005 22:19

best _____ of the year:

1. party: My 21st birthday!!!!

2. show: Let's see, this was the year I got hooked on MTV so I think it was a 3 way tie between Laguna Beach, Real World, and Battle of the Sexes.

3. cd: Modest Mouse-Good News For People Who Love Bad News.

4. movie: Napoleon Dynamite

5. song: Ocean Breathes Salty-Modest Mouse

6. experience: spending Christmas with my Grandpa- I missed out on it as a kid and it was kinda nice to have a grandparent on a holiday

7. concert: I don't remember going to any good ones.

8. book: Lord of the Rings- I know I'm behind but I finally got around to reading it.

9. month: August

10. day: The day after my birthday when the girls took me out.

worst ____ of the year:

1. party: the one at the guys house when I severely fucked up my knee.

2. show: American Idol- it just went down the drain

3. cd: Avril Lavigne

4. movie: The Day After Tomorrow

5. song: Freak a Leak- I really hated it.

6. experience: Chris' last semester of college.

7. concert: The one the guys played in Tyler at that church, it was pretty bad.

8. book: a cookbook- i don't like to cook and after reading through one I decided i didn't care if i ever cooked again

9. month: April

10. day: the Sunday that Jenny came to my apartment (it's a long story and kind of depressing so I won't get into it)

hopes for 2005:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: Chris and I will get married. Maybe, hopefully?

2. what do you hope changes about your country? economy

3. what do you hope for yourself? I deal with my emotions in a grown up matter.

4. what do you hope for your family? That we keep getting along as well as we have this past year

5. what do you hope for your best friend?: That he finds the job he's been waiting for.

during 2004:
1. where were you when it began? i honestly don't remember but I was probably at the guy's house

2. did you stay up? yes

3. what was your new year wish? I didn't make one and I still intend not to

4. how many boy/girlfriends? just the one and only

5. broke up? no

6. have any crushes? nope

7. care to mention names? not unless celebrities count :)

8. new friends? Misti; I got to be better friends with Annie, Lauren, Brandi and Liz; Brian

9. had to say goodbye? Yes and No

10. missed anyone? no I talk to everyone that I care about reguarly

11. win anything? not that I remember

12. best place you went to? fishing

13. worst place you went to? Sunset Bar

14. happiest moment? when Mallory learned to say my name- I know it's corny but I love her and I couldn't think of any better ones

15. how was your birthday? it was sweet, awesome, it was...incredible

16. best present? My Napoleon Dynamite DVD and T-Shirt!!!!!!
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