I just had the second interview for the most awesome company.. I was so bloody nervous, that it was hard to focus. It didn’t help that I had bugger-all sleep last night due to aforementioned nerves so I was still awake until about 3AM.
I have no idea how it went, none whatsoever.. But I *really* hope they liked me. I’ve got a couple of interviews lined up next week already but tbh nothing I’ve interviewed for in the last couple of years comes close to how much I’d like to work there.. Apart from PL, that was a life changer.. But in terms of the actual company and the role.. Sooo much potential. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
Did door to door in 40 mins with bad traffic, what a bloody novelty.
I should prep for dinner cooking soon. I really should. I’m so tired though that I may just get changed and then pass out.
Goodness, I hope they liked me… I really do.
Originally published at
guruPhil. Please leave any
comments there.