Happy new year LJ

Jan 05, 2007 10:10

Happy new year everyone. How you all had a great break over christmas and santa brought you everything you wanted.

Back at work now and oh so busy. Got my own cabin with a cool view over the top of the college and out through the river mouth (will post pics when it's not foggy). Got my lil USB missile launcher aimed at the door to ward off the enormous amount of people that seem to be coming in and bugging me for stuff at the moment (thanks Mike & Zoe :D).

New Years Eve in Dartmouth was great. The whole town was in fancy dress (except the 4 of us, as we didn't know about it :S). Drunk lots, partied lots, and had a generally great time.

I'm a senior cadet at the college now, so get to wear shiny gold stripes on my shoulder and be called Sir by all the scroats juniors, it does however mean i get a job (other than training) -in my case the deputy senior sub for the squadron. My god, i've done paperwork before, but never like this! In 4 days i've half filled a big ring binder (and had 40 odd other people chasing round writing reports to fill the other half). Suffice to say i've not made it to bed before midnight yet this week. And with full days training on top of that. WE do however had a coffee room and a bar to use now, and get to eat in the Senior Gun Room - which *is* Hogwarts.

But now i have to go back to work. Fun fun fun.
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