
Oct 27, 2008 18:21

There's this guy in my cubicle talking to my boss about drugs and a marijuana convention in SF. He's the typical, office tech-nerd, snarky know-it-all, with the obligatory balding head. Some background: he is friends with my boss, so it's not like he's totally random and talking about drugs.

Some snippets from the conversation (G denoting guy, BL meaning Boss-Lady aka. my bozz):

G: I'm all for decriminalizing pot, but come on! We need the guys in suits and ties from Harvard talking about decriminalizing marijuana, not these hippies and anarchists out there asking to decriminalize drugs. I mean, you use drugs! No one's going to listen to you. (Blathers on about how Harvard ties believe drugs ruin the fabric of society, but sure, they'll support decriminalizing it.)...You need to tax the hell out of them, like we do cigarettes...And then there's the Hip Hop people.

BL: I didn't know Hip Hop people smoked pot.

G: Oh yeah! But it's more of a West Coast thing...East Coast, not so much. (another 2 minute soliloquy having something to do with pot and smelling "dank!")

BL: And one wonders, where does this 'slice of society' get the money? We eat out maybe only 3 times a week to save money...

G (very scientifically): Well, there's three ways to get pot. One is to sell it, another is to steal it. And if you're like my old roommate in Oakland, you don't have any other hobbies or spend money doing anything else. Like, she'd come home every day, eat dinner, watch TV and smoke pot, then go to bed. That was it. She wouldn't go out on the weekends, eat out, nothing. If you lived like that, what else do you spend money on?

BL: And I'd imagine your clothes start to smell.

G: Yeah, that's one reason why I had to move out. But it was a great neighborhood. You could find all sorts of people there, from every walk of life, every color, every nationality, blah blah blah (rhapsodizes about his "old neighborhood" for another 4 minutes? I stopped listening)

Eventually, Boss-Lady declares her "brain is fried" and that she isdone for the day. Guy-guy follows her out, most likely to tell her more about the wonders of his dear old Oakland neighborhood.
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