for old times sake

Jan 29, 2004 20:29

[Spell your first name backwards]:ennairda
[Where do you live?]:bevs
[Whats your age?]: 20 for 3 more months
[Describe yourself in four words]:strong, happy, tired, smart(er than you)
[Hobbies:] spending as much time as i can with people i love, walking jackson in the woods, sex and the city marathons
[wallet]: massive
[room]: personalized (smaller than i'd prefer)
[coffee cup]:i don't drink coffee, ever
[underwear]:umm it varies
[CD in stereo right now]: travis in my car
[tattoos]: no way
[hair]: natural for once in my life
[eyes]: greenish
[pale or tanned?]: do you know me?
[Who or What (was/is/are)
[in my mouth]:my tongue
[in my head]: my brain (ok that joke got old)
[wishing]: my knees were normal so i could go skating
[after this]:cleaning the bathroom a dn doing dishes welcome to my exciting life
[talking to]:no one
[eating]: i wish
[what's next to you]: on the left a bed, on the right a wall
[something that you are deathly afraid of]: well i'm scared of spiders, but not deathly afraid, i'd say dying
do you like candles?]: ones that smell good
[do you like hot wax?]: it's fun to play with i guess
[do you like incense?]: yes
[do you believe in love?]: i should hope so
[do you believe in soul mates]: i have one
[do you believe in love at first sight?]: anything is possible if you believe
[do you believe in heaven?]: i believe in something
[do you believe in forgiveness?]: situational
[do you believe in God?]: i guess so
[what do you want done with your body when you die?]: burial at sea might be fun
[who is your worst enemy?]: i can't choose just one
[if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]:i have the best dog in the world
[what are five cities you wouldn't mind relocating to]: florence, amstrdam, london, queensland, jersy city
[what are some of your favorite pig out foods?]:CAKE
[what's something that you wish people would understand?:] material items don't mean shit
[what's something you wish you could understand better?]: people are different, except their flaws
[who's someone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?:] alicia
~* Last time you... *~
[ had a nightmare ]: the night after i had surgery, it was a creepy one too...i think it was the drugs
[ said "i love you" and meant it ]: emile
[ ate at mcdonald's ]: last week, but it was an ice cream treat
[ dyed your hair ]: over a year ago
[ brushed your hair ]: this morning
[ Washed your hair ]: this morning
[ checked your e-mail ]:before i did this
[ cried ]: this morning, bad day for me
[ called someone ]: today
[ smiled ]: when i came home and saw i got a great treat in the mail
[ laughed ]: probably today
[ talked to an ex ]:umm that depends what you consider an ex, i guess i do often
~* Do you... *~
[ smoke? ]:yea
[ do drugs? ]: pot is not a drug
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ]: only 5
[ have a dream that keeps coming back? ]:yea that i lose my teeth
[ play an instrument? ]: umm no
[ believe there is life on other planets? ]: ya, maybe not in this solar system though
[ remember your first love? ]: of course
[ still love him/her? ]: of course
[ read the newspaper? ]: only on sundays
[ have any straight friends? ]: yes
[ consider love a mistake? ]: no
[ like the taste of alcohol? ]: not rubbing alcohol
[ go to church? ]: if someone gets married
[ have any secrets? ]: you know it
[ have any pets? ]: the best of the best JACKSON puppy
[ talk to strangers who instant message you?]: the only strangers that im me want me to check out their porn sites
[ wear hats? ]: if it's cold
[ have any piercings? ]: i don't want to talk about it
[ have any tattoos? ]: no
[ hate yourself? ]: never
[ have an obsession? ]: i'm sure i do
[ have a secret crush? ]: no, i can't keep anything a secret
[ collect anything? ]: i'm starting a collection of shot glasses i want one from every far i have 2 from montreal and 1 from rome, i'm way off
[ have a best friend? ]: my ladies
[ like your handwriting? ]: i do
[ have any bad habits? ]: nail biting
[ care about your looks? ]: yeah, but not to the point that i do anything about it.
[ boy/girlfriend's looks? ]:i try
[ care about friends and other people? ]: of course
[ believe in witches? ]: yeah why not
[ believe in satan? ]:i don't think he's an actual guy
[ believe in ghosts? ]: i think so
~* Current... *~
[ dress ]: my great new shirt
[ mood ]: hungry
[ music ]: the shins
[ taste ]: umm.. a fingernail :( sorry that was yucky
[ hair ]: up
[ annoyance ]:not really annoyed
[ smell ]: i guess just the way my bedroom smells, still good
[ thought ]:i don't want to work Saturday
[ book ]:ha no time for that
[ fingernail color ]: i don't paint em
[ refreshment ]: not thirsty
[ worry ]: $
[ crush ]: ALICIA
[ favorite celebrity ]: paris hilton
~* Last person... *~
[ you touched ]: emile
[ you talked to ]: in person, emile. online, i have a few convos going, carrie, jon, nate, lea, & drew
[ you hugged ]: emile
[ you instant messaged ]: that would be nate although jon is a close second
[ you yelled at ]: emile
[ who broke your heart ]:'s still pretty whole in there
[ kissed ]:emile
~* Who do you want to...
[ kill ]: no one
[ slap ]: your ass
[ tickle ]: emile, but he'll yell at me if i try
[ talk to ]: anna, it's been like 3 years since i called her
[ have sex with ] myself, this is a lame section, oh wait this is a lame thing in general
[ kiss ]: jackson, he's the best kisser
~*Which one*~
[club or houseparty]: houseparty
[tea or coffee]: hot chocolate
[high achiever or easy-going]:i wish i was easy going, but i think i'm a high achiever
[cats or dogs]: dog-dogs
[single or taken]: taken
[pen or pencil]: pens
[gloves or mittens]: mittens
[food or candy]: food
[cassette or cd]:cd
[coke or pepsi]:not really a fan of either

what a weird question to end on...
and the only comments i want are your answers to this...if you don't haev the time i understand and love you anyway!!

i think i'll eat some food :)
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