Mar 09, 2004 20:41
Because I’m this much cooler than ye
Jesse Owen is my hero.
Sarah Kirshenbaum for Prom Queen.
Jesse Mirsky says “fuck you! I’m Jesse Mirsky.”
Mike Bloom will shave his ass for charity.
Astaire Twohigg McDonald is my fiend.
Dana has no last name.
Ernie is your baby’s daddy.
Sir William Powell is his own father.
Mitch needs a new ass cream prescription.
Allie Smith fucked your mom.
Kiki likes to put strange objects in his mouth.
Thom likes to put normal objects in his mouth.
Darian Lake is my BROTHA.
John Glass is my sister.
Daniel St. Germain touched an emu.
R.J. Skinner officially owns ‘too much’ spandex.
Tobias Hule is not his real name.
Sparkles for president.
Harrison Lee has no need for an introduction.
Brock lives on a farm E-I E-I O.
John McCartney is too many combined Beatles.
PJ has been seen on various cheese commercials.
Eric Arnold has no control over his penis what so ever.
Harrison Foreskin must be embarrassed.
Lea Tzembelicos is more famous then you.
Lauren Goldgrub hates vegetables.
Brooke Harvey loves vegetables.
Laura Dolan might be stalking you.
Jackie is a regular on Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil.
Megan is the reason for it all.
Daniella Chai is a yummy type of tea.
Sandra Melkin is a really tall and sparkly.
Laura Wadsworth is also known as a cows boob.
Elise Belvedere farted.
Danielle Melle has a gun.
Dominique Shelipuk speaks tres French.
Danicka Knight stars on ‘Girls Gone Wild Miami’.
Rachelle Cork wants to be yo shuga daddy.
Boooooooji is reaaaaady to ruuuumble.
Angie ate your ears.
Andrea Mager lives in a tunnel.
Melissa knows your middle name.
Valerie Massie is your substitute Jesus.
No. there was no point to this. and if i forgot you. i can't believe you care. most of these people don't even have live journal. oh the many sides of boredom.