Some more staff doujinshi scans.

Nov 15, 2010 02:45

Here is a small but precious find from today:

Hugeass images worning, whoops, should have resize those, but in case you prefer big...
Additionaly I have Imaishi's 10th personal doujin and I wanted to talk a bit more about it at the end of the week. I only have these scans from it for now, sorry:

That's it for now! I didn't wan't to bend the book too much hence the side blur, sory for that! I'll partly scan it and make some pictures. Ther's a lot of cool stuff in it, like Imaishis pre-everything drawings and notes, poster concepts, storyboards, eye-catch drafts and the like. First eight pages are in color.

doujinshi, official art, scans

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