Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2011 14:28

Happy New Year everyone!!!<3

2011 is going to be a very exciting year *_* lots of plans and things to do! And work!
I'm also moving to NYC (indefinitely, permanently?) around late summer/early fall :D

Wish you all have a nice first day of the year! I spent my morning eating churros with hot chocolate with my mum while watching Vienna New Year's Concert (a yearly tradition for me, since it's my 4th year doing it!)~ Also recovering from 11 hours at work yesterday (bakeries/pastry shops are crazy places full of rich ladies wearing Vuitton bags and fur coats fighting over cakes on Xmas/New Years), but got paid more than I expected so yay money <3 I'm free on the 1st day of January sales so <3<3<3!!!


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