Well, I've been home in Spain for almost 2 weeks already, but I just realized what an awful LJ friend I am that I never told you so XD!
On top of post vacation blues, sadness of not seeing my boyfriend again for half a year and jetlag, I got the flu right after coming back and I've been super sick home the whole time x__x talk about bad luck! The worst part is that right now I should be working hard on my photography final project (I'll be done with school next May! Crazy!) and doing so feeling all weak has been a bit difficult :(
So how was NYC? I will make a big big post with lots of photos (but crappy ones cause I couldn't be bothered to carry my DSLR everywhere, too big and too heavy D:), but I have to say I was surprised I liked the city so much since I didn't have any expectations at all, and had the happiest month of my life. Also, my first real vacation in a long long time that felt like an actual vacation, i.e. not thinking about anything else but relaxing and having fun :D Of course that only made worse having to come back to my real life XD
Now to work hard and save up money again!
Pic of Central Park (can't remember what side of it...), which was very pretty but oh so crowded XD