hey hey~

Oct 30, 2005 17:14

Hey hey got a new layout and i love it!! it is so cute~<33

*~audrey dear, i finally add you to my friend list cuz i really don't know how to customize the livejourna  - -||b l...omg.  i really need to learn how to deal with this, i want my livejournal looking better....=) ~*

so i went to have my first ACT preparation classes today and of course we had a test as usual. the purpose is to test what level you are. thus the test began. I was suprised by my grades. there were 2 or 3 english parts in the test, and i got 36 on one of them!! that is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too cooooLLLLLL!! =D well~~~all i could say is today is my day...kind of.
in addition, my piano was pleased by my techni-cal improvement. haha oh well it is still needing more and more practices to get to a better shape. ;)

gotta run~~ i have to prepare for the presentation for history.
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